Economic Development Week 2024: Emporia RDA Honors Robin Emley
May 3, 2024
The first week in May marks Economic Development Week (EDW), a period where we reflect on the core values of the Regional Development Association of East Central Kansas (RDA) and our mission to support Emporia and Lyon County as a whole.
The Emporia RDA staff and board members work tirelessly throughout the year to bring businesses to the region and support the quality of life of residents. However, one staff member has devoted 24 years of her life to boosting economic development in Emporia and has made a bigger impact than she knows. This year, we are celebrating Economic Development Week by honoring Robin Emley, the executive assistant who drives this organization forward.
Emley Has Supported Countless Board Members and Presidents
One of the tenets of economic development is that no business is too small to make a difference in the community. The same can be said for the work that Emley does for Emporia RDA. She has been a staple of this organization for a quarter of a century and knows how it runs better than anyone.
“Robin has been the glue that holds together and supports the success of the RDA,” says Brad Kraft, a board member and former chair for Emporia RDA. “While she might prefer to remain behind the scenes, her continuing support has benefited the board members and presidents over her 24 years.”
The results speak for themselves. The success of attracting new businesses to the area and the growth of existing businesses have changed Emporia and Lyon County for the better in recent years.
“Her smile and welcoming manner have made it a pleasure to work with her for the good of the City of Emporia and the surrounding communities,” Kraft adds.
Emley is Part of All Major Economic Development Projects
Several years of experience and dedication make Emley an asset to any Emporia RDA project. Emley is often involved from the first planning meetings of each initiative to ensure they move forward smoothly.
“I have worked with Robin on both Emporia Enterprises and the RDA boards,” says Jon Geitz, former board member. “She is very diligent in making sure materials are sent out ahead of time for board review and takes very good notes.”
Gietz adds that although she is quiet during the meetings, she has been a part of most of the major economic development conversations and growth Emporia has experienced over the last 24 years. Her institutional knowledge spans board members, city staff, and elected officials in the community.
Emley Brings a Wealth of Knowledge to the Community
Economic Development professionals rarely operate in silos. They need to build strong partnerships with the local Chamber of Commerce, regional businesses, and offices across the county and state. Emley’s success in her role reflects her ability to work with people across all backgrounds and positions, which is essential to succeed in this field.
“Don’t let the quietness of Robin fool you,” says Jeanine McKenna, President and CEO of the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce. “She listens and understands the world of economic development. I enjoy her sense of humor and insight. She has contributed a lot to the RDA and community over the years that many people do not see.”
McKenna says that Emley is a hidden gem and it has been a privilege to work with her over the past 24 years.
Emporia is Prospering Because of Emley
Economic development looks different today than it did 24 years ago. This field is increasingly competitive as towns and counties vie for resources and business investment. Through all the changes and adjustments, Emley has been a stable force in Emporia RDA.
"Congratulations to Robin for her dedication to the RDA’s mission of business retention, expansion, and recruitment," says Kent Heermann, retired RDA President. "Her expertise in crafting accurate prospect proposals always put Emporia in a strong competitive situation."
Emley is usually the first person you meet when you start working with the RDA. Her insights and experience are invaluable to anyone who works for or with this organization.
“I was asked to lead RDA on an emergency basis,” says Jim Witt, Interim President of Emporia RDA. “Robin was like a lifeboat for me with her knowledge and professionalism. Her commitment and dedication to the RDA and economic development is a tremendous asset. She is an unsung heroine.”
The Future of Emporia is Bright With the Help of Emley
Thank you for all the hard work you do, Robin Emley. Your contributions to the economic development of Emporia and Lyon County should not be overlooked. We are thrilled to work with you as a peer, coworker, and asset to the community. We can't wait to see what you do in the next 24 years.