How to Use Our Report Maker

Create a page called ‘How to Use Our Report Maker’ Parent page should be the homepage Template should be default Publish it immediately Do NOT show it in the menu Use the following html (paste in Source view):

Golden Shovel Agency's Universal Report Maker tool can be used to effciently extract data from any page on our website to generate reports for the resources you need.

To use this convenient tool, do the following:

Step 1:

Visit the first page you want included in the report.

Step 2:

Click “Add to Report” – This is a red button with white text. If successful, an alert will show up saying that the page was “added to the report.”

add to report

Step 3:

Visit other pages you want added to the report and repeat step #2.

view custom report

Step 4:

When on the last page, select the button for “View Custom Report.”

Step 5:

Click on the settings icon to customize the report and to create a cover page.

cover page

Step 6:

Select the print or PDF icon at the top to print or save the report.


Step 7:

Share in person or by email.

And you're all done!